This is the banner of one of my favorite blogs to visit. This artist takes the most mundane and turns it into snippets of magic through her talent, wit and kind, fun view of the world. This is the work of Sarah, at Cottage Garden Studio. She, who invests her days learning through her own life experiences and helping youngsters mold their view of the world. Who is a mother, wife, sister, friend.
Sarah was one of the first places I stumbled upon when relatively new to blogging. It was here that I stopped, "God, there are so many, many talented people in the world and the blog world gets deeper and deeper, with no end to incredibly talented people who just need to share with the world!"
It is a well of inspiration that seems bottomless. Each site you visit lists sites that they love and visit regularly, and even clicking one of them takes you to another list that blogger follows, and on and Alice down the rabbit hole. You simply start to reel when you realize that you are just a speck of the creative energy that exists in this world of ours!
But, back to an artist can and will do, they find it in them to encourage other artists. And, she has created an award of her own art work which she inaugurated recently:
I'll let her explain- "The Mental Duck to Mental Swan Award is given to two amazing groups of bloggers:
1. To Bloggers who encourage and nurture others to explore and grow in their creative, spiritual or mental lives.
2. To Bloggers who are blooming and growing creatively, spiritually or mentally in their lives & sharing it on their blogs."
I am honored to be one of the initial recipients of this art award. Surprised. And, pleased by how Sarah sees life here at Your Mother Knows- "Holly, a newer friend, but so amazing. If you have not visited Holly's blog you are missing one of the most delicious blogs on the block! I have been blessed with Holly's friendship, support and advice - she's good folks!!"
Here's the thing- I am keenly aware of how much the bloggers that I visit bring to my life and thinking, and I find more every single day. But, I suppose I'm not always aware of the impact my word-noodling can have on the quality and thinking of others. Don't you think that's true of most of us creative types? Blind to our own abilities?
Moments like this make you aware that your work is as amazing to others as theirs can be for you. Sarah, thank you for believing that my writing make a difference to your creative and generous spirit.
Now, everyone knows how much I love canines. My life would not be anywhere near as rich if not for sharing it with dogs. And, while I think my dogs can be very clever, did you know that some dogs actually run a blog on their own? I'm still not sure how they can type, and not even certain how some aren't locked up for their wild antics, but none the less, some dogs make me howl, (get it?) with a laugh every single day...
Dogs like this one: This is Nigel Buggers. Isn't he adorable? In this particular shot he is attempting to look all innocent and charming. Do not be fooled. Do not be sucked in. He is a maniac in a greyhound suite.
Nigel, with a huge, and I do mean massive, amount of assistance from his Two Legger are the collaborators at Life With Dogs. You've heard me mention them; it's simply one of the most fun spots in the blog world. And because so many of us love their work, they are given many awards by adoring followers.
Not to be left out, Nigel decided to start an award of his own...and gives it out on Fridays to blogs that capture his chaotic interest. As he explains, "Now back to the Friday Five. Many of you have given or received blog awards of one type or another. It's fun to recognize others and introduce our friends to bloggers they might not otherwise find. We have been tagged many times...
"With that in mind, I thought it might be fun to offer up an award with zero strings attached. No need to "paw" it forward, answer ten questions about anything, or even acknowledge it. Want to print off a copy, set it on fire and give your dog a big drink of water in order to put it out? Go for it, but I'd love to see pics of that one!"
Can I tell you how surprised I was to get to my daily dose of insanity only to discover that Nigel reads my blog, "Ready to put on your thinking cap? Good, because we lost ours a long time ago. Drop by Your Mother Knows- A vast range of topics await you - some controversial, some not - but all will get your wheels spinning!"
Well, perhaps it's Mr. Author who reads things here and not the sassy canine, but I'm thinking that long snoot may just be peering over his Two Legger's shoulder when he's visiting this blog. I am grateful to both for finding it worthy of their interests. So guys, thanks!
And, just so you know, my Boy Dog, Rory is quite delighted to have the Gold Hydrant here now because he says it will give him something new to aim at and is really eye catching as he does!
From the bottom of my heart, (and the bottom or Rory in Nigel's case,) to both you and gratitude for finding time spent here worthy of your creative energies. And, to everyone of you, today, I hope you have at least a glimpse of what a difference your efforts and presence makes to this world of ours. Because you do. You certainly do make a difference; you most certainly do!
Namaste' Till Next Time,
3 hours ago
I love that you are an etheral and spiritual fountain! Not only do we get to share in your talents, but you offer us the chance to share in the talents of others. Bless you, Girl!
What a nice way for you to pay it forward - not that we expect such things given our reputation. Nigel has offered his stamp of approval, I think he was psyched to see Rory making an appearance this Friday. Let's hope we have done our part to help him improve his aim!
Keep cranking out quality Holly, you are quickly becoming a favorite destination...and not just with us.
ha! totally cool and deserved and FUN! I hadn't 'met' Sarah's blog before -- will peruse this weekend. Have tried to dole out Life With Dogs because it makes me YEARN for my lost pooch AND to run out and visit pounds to find a new one ... but Nigel? excuse me, I think he has finally and ULTIMATELY displaced Javier Bardem as my Not So Secret Crush! whatta face!
You are amazing hon and I AM blessed to know you!! You sooo deserved this one and I'm glad ya liked it. Thank you hon for all the touching words about me - you made my day. I see the difference your words make every day here and in my own life!! And..... your blog is delicious!!!
Hee hee I love the golden hydrant and am off to visit the links.
BTW Lucy Lu thinks Rory is way cute!! Hugs, Sarah
Yippeeee!! You are so very much deserving of these wonderful *awards*....
I must say, the Golden Hydrant is simply divine and Nigel? Well, he's a dish...
So true about how you can keep finding new blogs, and more and more and more... I just found yours today! I saw that "Life with Dogs" had started following my blog (one of five, yahoo!), and read their blog today citing yours. So I came to visit and found a very interesting blog indeed! I'm sure I will enjoy more in the future!
you know what ?
I just love the fact that you love dogs !!
Thanks for leting us know about some wonderful bloggers. It is true there are so many incredible people around the world doing wonderful things! Makes me very positive about this big world of ours. So much untapped talent but everyone expressing themselves and letting it all out in the universe. That has so got to be a good thing!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! It is such a small world... of COURSE you are from Baltimore and have a good friend in Silver Spring. Of COURSE you, too, have a husband in the military. Maybe it has something to do with us both being Cancers...
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