Gather round all who are called to follow the old ways...The Path. Abide a spell with this crone. The one who would share the truth of things- the truth of our Mother. It is time for the God & Goddess to join in bliss and celebrate the depth of lust, passion, trust, and love. The Wheel turns and Litha is soon upon us. Merry Meet!
In the shortest night/longest day, cast your circle, spiral your intention, draw in the power of the sun and blend it with the peace of the moon. Send your energy above and deep below. Ask a benediction on your life. Ask to be considered worthy to be one of the followers of the Goddess/God.
Let me say this, Dear Ones- I've enjoyed my time here with you in the Blog World. I'll miss it if I'm asked to leave; perhaps shunned for what I now impart. Telling you what I believe. It will not be the first time I have been escorted from the village but I'm certain it never gets easier to take.
It may be that I'm burned as a heretic by some. It could be the first time a crone was burned by her own! However, it's a risk I am willing to take. The question is, are you willing to take the risk of having a new thinking thrown your way?
Like most who walk The Path and those of us who pursue magick and craft of healing, we have been previously burned. Set ablaze. It's one of the reasons most women are reluctant to show themselves and own and foster their power. While the reluctance to act powerfully may be expected and understood, what I do not condone, will not sanction is our simpering, misguided attitudes when it comes to our Great Mother! It's time to stop believing that we are so vitally important to her future! She needs none of us to maintain her power. Let me explain:
Do you know this aspect of the Goddess?

This is Ma'at. Hail Divine One, I yield to you and do your bidding! It is said that for those individuals called by the ancient ones like the Egyptian pantheon, life will not be easy. I have found this to be true.
If you are called by Ma'at, the Goddess of Truth, Balance, Law, Quiet Strength, you must be unfailingly ready to tell the truth when it needs to be shared. So this is where I find myself today. I tell you, in preparation of the Solstice, reconsider your notions and ideas of our Mother.
We often picture her brightly colored, containing all life, not just on this earth plain but above and below. Sweet, gentle, ethereal, in need of protection and correction. In need of us to act as her sponsors for survival. To a certain point, this may be true. But we have taken this notion to a pinnacle of arrogance. We believe that only we can make Mother Earth whole and sustainable. WE ARE ARROGANT! Cheeky. Ridiculous.

Mother Earth has given us all that is needful. She is our home. She is ALL. And, while we need her to survive, she does not need us. Does Not Need Us. Self-sustaining and clearly directed, she is like the great Warrior Queens of ancient days. Like Maeve. Breede. Freya. Isis. A wise warrior and ruler who knows the ways of Humans. And loves them regardless. Loves them as her children.

Knows them and loves them for the foolish children they are, youngsters without knowledge and life experience. Without understanding. She is a mother! She understands that in her decision to raise up her young, she will be hurt countless times by their ignorance, rashness, indifference, attempts to grow, to stand alone. A mother will be hurt! But, a mother knows that it is her role to bring about opportunity to grow and become more than! Mistakes will be made. Bad ones. Some things will perish. CEASE TO BE. But Mother will remain. And, so shall we; so long as we show potential and growth.
However, be warned! If Mother ever becomes weary of us; when she's had enough of our foolishness,
she will belch us off her blue marble face like a child spits watermelon seeds!
Although we can harm her, we do not possess the power to destroy her. We can only destroy ourselves. If we continue to act foolishly, Gaia may decide she has had enough. Bring an end to us. Long after any trace of Humankind is gone, Mother will remain. Because she is, what she is, what she is. She is earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.

We can and must learn to walk through our lives with more grace and quiet. We must trust Mother more than we do; trust that she is stronger, more resilient and able than we could ever imagine. Trust that our current ways of life, though difficult, will bring about growth and countless opportunities to learn to do better. As she evolves and changes, some things will go away to make room for miracles we cannot imagine. It is the natural order of things. She will not be held static by our limited ability to see the entire view.
The magick we raise during Litha contains both sides of this complex relationship meeting in the moment. We celebrate the intricate dance of our physical world and our spirit. We take account of our actions and see the crop it grows. We celebrate our successes. Mother, lets us know when we are not bringing all of our potential to things... and when we are not being what we can be. We continue to grow toward a harvest.
With honest, joyful awareness we meld with her during the lush summer solstice. We resonate with her passion. We are humbled and grateful. For as much as we, her children, can be thoughtless, cruel, and foolish, she would not have us any other way. It is the cosmic way of things for the Great to rear the Small. And we are very, very small!
Stop acting as though our Earth is a frail, doddering crone who must have you to defend her and keep her going. See her in the fullness of her power. We are her daughters and sons! We are also her lovers! Her kings & queens. We are her partner. As she is ours.
We celebrate the passion and life sustaining blending of male and female energies during this time. Recast your patronizing, condescending attitudes about what must be done to save the Earth! This is the foolish talk of politicians and others who monger fear and have agendas deeply hidden for purposes of gaining power...agendas not funded in the truth of our ways. Do not fall prey to this baneful glamour!

See the truth of her. See her with the Sun King! See him yield to her perfection. Feel her as she curls her vibrant lithe arms around his strong body. Pressing her feminine energy into heights that requires NOTHING of you other than a bowed head and a profession of love and awareness. The pledge to walk as gently as you can and teaching those in your charge to do the same is what she desires. Not for her benefit, but for ours!
As you sit in the beauty of a budding summer's night, cast a healing circle, as Mel so wonderfully explains. And pledge yourself as her child and disciple. Stop patronizing her and believing you have the power to direct her. She does not need to be saved- she needs to be adored. She does not need to be healed;
we need to be healed of our juvenile, thoughtless ways. We need her; she does not need us.

She does not
need us; she
wants us. Like a true mother, she loves us and provides, watches, and blesses or punishes when that's what it takes to spark the divine in us. She cries for those who will not be saved. And through it all, she endures.
This Solstice, stand still in her power like the sun! Rejoice in the longest day and know its glory. Realize the truth of Her. Feel her. Love her. Stand in the light of the miracle of how insignificant, yet everything, you are to her.

This time...feel the firm, ripe, erotic, all encompassing truth of our Mother. Learn your place. Apologize for those life choices that have harmed; pledge to do better and be true. Abide with her in all actions. Honor her for all she freely gives. Do so in love and light. As above, so below, bright blessings both near & far. A blessed Litha, Dear Ones!
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka Your Loving Crone