Our house is very deep and the side space between the houses lends itself to being turned into the wonderful French gardening concept of an alley... a long narrow space filled with plants or trees to pull the eye forward. To make the feet desire to move along and visit with the plants.
I decided to develop this space into my Friends Garden. It's the space where all my friends and other gardeners have brought plants from their gardens to share. I love this space. When I look at this plant I think immediately of her. When that one blooms I think of him! It's wonderful. It's also the space where I lovingly transplanted some of the treasures I brought from my beloved gardens at my home in Maryland. Or replicated some of my favorite choices. My neighbors comment on it quite often as being interesting and lovely.
The few warm days of complete sun have pushed my gardens into the next phase of delight. The roses didn't fair well. And, the pansies are all gone. But, the daylilies are in their glory. As I walk around and clap with delight, I share them immediately in my thoughts with friend, Eileen, who was my first neighbor when moving to Greensburg.
Eileen loves daylilies and hosta. She and I spent lots of time walking her gardens and sharing stories and tips as only two gardeners do when they get together. Knowing how sad I was when I left most of my treasures back in Maryland, she was one of my first friends to stop by bringing all sorts of green gifts to share. Hosta and daylilies carefully labeled- all the ones you'll see today. Eileen is a big presence in my Friends Garden.
For the past couple of years, Eileen has decided to try her hand at hybridizing lilies. It's not hard to do, per se, but it takes patience. And a lot of trial and error. This year, after three years of trying, she's beginning to see some of the outcome of her efforts and she's very excited. I can certainly understand and I'm pleased for her.
So, what great gardener would be where they are without their assistants? Fiona sat on alert while I photographed and picked and dead headed. She couldn't find a trophy vole or chipmunk to bring me, so she decided to simply sit and watch. Good girl, Fi...
While my silly boy-dog decided to watch me and look at some of his favorite flowers. He likes to poke at the lavender...I really think he must be sniffing some of the plants as he goes to the same ones regularly. Rory is very interesting. Much more serene and contemplative than his bossy sister.
Here's the first daylily vision that made me say, "Oh!" Of all of the ones that Eileen has given me, this one seems to be the most reluctant, but what a beauty! This is Christmas Eve.
And strolling further... I love the compliment of the dark throat with the quiet exterior on this lily.
This lovely is called, Brocaded Gown, and it may just be the most aptly named lily in my garden. I love the ruffled edge and the puckers. It does look like fabric, and when the light hits it just right, it seems to glow.
If you love the refreshing color of pink, then this is a beauty you want in your garden....
I adore how all the plants and colors seem to play so nicely with each other. Each one its own note in my garden symphony.
This little lovely is actually a spider wart. And, while not a daylily, it is in the lily family. When I saw these tiny gems, well, I had to include them in this show for you today.
And, this last one? I don't have it in my garden yet. Eileen sent a card with this beauty on it; she knows how much I adore all shades of purple. It's one that she's been working on for three years and this year it bloomed. Isn't it gorgeous? I am so happy for her! And, if I am lucky, one day I may have it in the Friends Garden. It's not ready to be shared, yet. So for now, I'll just have to live with this gift...
...yesterday, Eileen called to tell me that she's decided to name this glorious new lily of hers, "Holly," after her gardening buddy. How lucky am I to have made a friend like that? Thank you, Eileen. Really. What an honor!
I hope all of you have moments of recognition and deepening friendships this summer.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka Eileen's Friend
20 hours ago