Today, I need to be reminded that in each new day, despite the negative things that press on our nerves, beauty hides and waits. Plays Hide & Seek with us. Waits for us to remember the truth. Waits for us to insist on finding it. Waits for us to dig, perhaps, deep. Waits 'til we remember that we deserve it.

My cousins Val & Tom emailed these photos. How lucky to live where you can boat in warm waters most of the year, but more so, have your boat followed by these clowns of the sea! Don't all of us yearn to feel so vital, free, and high-spirited as these beauties?

What holds us back from experiencing the sheer joy of it all? To find a reason to jump for joy? I don't have big thoughts today...just big worries. I know that if I keep the faith and train my eyes on the horizon, things will work out. But, I'm only Human and some days are harder than others.
When I opened these pictures, they helped me remember the truth of today's wonder. So, I willingly share them with all of you. Drop your worries for a moment, take a deep breath, and remember the joy of being.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away....
The timing was perfect ... the universe provides.
"Begin today! No matter how feeble the light, let it shine as best it may. The world may need just that quality of light which you have." (a recent Daily Faith that resonated with me) When you find yourself with a weak "light" know that we all need even a flicker from you ... we will share our feeble light with you and the world will seem brighter.
I really needed this.
It is dumbfounding how much power negativity 'seems' to possess. It comes in the form of worries, or a difficult person. Today I have been ready to set the record straight with a lovely trouble making tornado that has plopped herself into our peaceful midst, and really offended several members of my new tribe.
After reading you & Toni, I will focus on loving kindness with this woman. She needs it. Something is off within her if she desires to stir up trouble all the time. Maybe I can gently show her the way to healing that, instead of the choice words I had planned. Honestly, it would be fuel on the fire, and I imagine that is exactly what she wants.
How lonely it must be if drumming up negative attention is the only way you feel validated.
Thank you for reminding me.
recurring dream of mine, also a 'continuation' dream, swimming with dolphins. I'm always holding on to a fin, can always breathe under water, am always buoyant and fluent in dolphin sonar language, the air is always CRYSTAL, exploding with sparkles. Swimming with dolphins is on my bucket list.
I'd say it's time to visit with your Cousins...
A little time in the Shadows of life just helps us appreciate the Light even more. (sure doesn't feel that way when you're there though)
I hope that by the time you read this you're on your way up to better times.
Best wishes Ribbon :-)
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