So, here it 365th day of Your Mother year of being part of the blogging world. Wow.
And, while I didn't write something each day for your consideration and to free some of my brain space, I don't think I did too bad. Yep, 290 posts. Fun, I actually found a Pennsylvania sign for the 290! The Internet, oh thank you Al Gore for inventing it!
I've been blessed with 153 followers and countless more who pop by for an occasional visit. I have no way to know how many people actually lurk about the place. But, I'd like to believe it's lots.
Through it all, I've shared some pretty sparky thoughts that have got some of us riled up. You've listen to me spew when I was sparky, snarky and droll. I've made you blush or yelp, "Oh Holly!," when I talk about S.E.X. and other things unmentionable.
I hope you've also been given things to ponder, and moments of support and hope when you needed them most. I worked to make you smile with moments of my friends. With my family who is so very dear to me. With my love of Maryland and Baltimore. With memories of my past and the struggles and triumphs of my life now.
Today, I want to tell you how incredibly much it's meant to have you there. I had no way of knowing how important your being there would be; how incredibly real and close some of you have become.
Like Toni...who was one of the very first seasoned bloggers who helped me, a complete stranger at that time. She answered questions and opened her arms all the way from Arizona to embrace me. Toni, that 153 sign is to honor you.
But now, let's celebrate!
On to the drawing!!!! I so love Sarah Sullivan for making this adorable art for me. I feel so special having actually commissioned an artist! And, she so came through with a great idea to capture the essence of life in my world. Sarah, thanks again. I'm keeping this image on my blog page because I adore it completely.
I needed the help of my trusty assistant, who is not Vanna White with her hands on Wheel of Fortune, but he is the one who brings all good fortune to my life. And, a very good sport too, I might add. I love you, My Lion!
As to the Price-Waterhouse science of the whole drawing, here's how it worked- I put every person who wished to be part of the drawing on a page. I asked Michael to shut his eyes tight and point!
In his usual style of fair play and honesty, he did one better; he spun the paper around and round a couple of times as I captured the truth of the moment.
And, and, and....oh, the tension builds, the Winner is.....
...Beverly Baird! Beverly writes a sweet blog called Bunny's Girl and she's become my pal through Wishcasting Wednesdays. Congratulations Beverly! A print of Sarah's work along with a $25 gift certificate to is on its way to you shortly! Horrray!
Thank you my family, for your support and willingness to have parts of your lives shared out in the open. Really, I know that's not what you expected when I came into your lives a few short years ago! So from all of us Frock's who have shared our stories of Evan becoming an Airman, and Melissa racing through her life with her horse Jeanie. To Dad Frock battling and hopefully winning against cancer, and remembering my dad, Jimmy...
From my side of the tribe who I've shared with you; about how much we love, laugh, and like each other...
And of course, from one of our favorite Post Stars, Livy. Also....
...from my loves, Rory & Fiona who say Arrrooo to All of You and thanks!
On this first anniversary, if you'd like to go back to the inaugural posting and read how it all got started, here's the link...
My gratitude for your comments and input and for joining me this past year. You've made it such a life changing time. Blog Love & Hugs to all.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka She Who Blogs
8 hours ago
Congratulations on your first year and many, many more! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us.
congratulations....happy birthday....anniversary ?
isn't it amazing how time flies when it's being counted for you this way while you're surrounded by love ?
I just hit 510 posts...on the blog that you know as mine....
I had another blog before that one for a long time and have no idea what the number was in posts on that one before I grew up a little and switched over to a blog that felt more me....
ANYHOW....those milestones here in blog world surrounded by our tribe, wrapped in love are sometimes better than learning how to walk....
congrats again !
Happy Blogoversary, Holly! Many, many more! And congrats on your win, Beverly!
yay! congrats! I bow down to you Holly, the Queen! you rock! and by the way, i LOVE your method of drawing the number! priceless!
Whoo hoo to Beverly!! Congrtulations!
It has been a joy to get to know you hon!! You know how much you mean to do know!! Congratulations and happy blogaversary hon..I am honored to have helped you celebrate! It will be joy for me to see my little pup on your blog as I visit you daily!! Thank you hon for all that you are and will be!! Love you bunches..I really do, Sarah
Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary!! I am very grateful that you are here. :)
Oh and BTW..Queen Holly..I left you and award on my blog this morning!! Hugs...
Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy, Anniversary! And congratulations to Beverly ... you have certainly enlivened our lives Holly and shared your BIG heart! Thank you!
Happy Blog Birthday! Having just recently discovered you, I went back and read the post that started it all.
It reinforces why I look forward to your posts! You are AUTHENTIC! You are a true TEACHER and you, in my opinion, do what you said you would with your blog.
Your RIGHT ON with the words, I'm not your Mom with the judgments but you are a loving Mom to all of us that need those words AND that KIND HEART
Blessings Holly! A grateful newcomer!
Congratulations and big love to you Holly :)
I'm proud to call you my friend..
...and congratulations to the winner of the beautiful drawing.
best wishes always
Ribbon x
A HUGE congratulatory hug, my dear, on the First Anniversary of your Blog! And all of your posts!! That is quite an accomplishment!
And the content is something to be very proud of. You always touch me deeply in some way.
A Big shout out to Beverly, too, for winning Sarah's gorgeous print! I'm sure that you will treasure it always!!
What a happy day for you both!! Actually, the three of us, because I'm happy for you too! lol
Hi Holly,
Congratulations and happy blog anniversary!
I am so happy to have met you through the net and wish our friendship to grow.I love your comments at my blog as they speak with love.Your posts give truth and values to learn and have helped me a lot.Thank you and wishes for abundance in your life
It's Julie again. After my last comment, I had an inspiration. I have a new blog I have been waiting to start until the right time. TODAY IS THE DAY! I have posted and started my new blog: Affiliate for Kids at
In honor of the teacher and Mom I see in you, and that I was raised with in the qualities of my grandma (don't take this wrong but your attitude and now knowing how this started reminds me SO MUCH of my grandma)
Happy 1 year!
Oh, Darlin ... some things are just meant, like us connecting, and now we know we're sistahs ... happy bloglandia anniversary ... I'm waving pom poms (one black, one white, in honor of your kitchen which I STILL COVET BY THE WAY) and tooting a horn and throwing confetti (purple, of course) and looking forward to the next 365.
Happy Anniversary, Holly!
All those followers in only one year? How amazing you are. I'd be jealous if you weren't so deserving and I didn't love you so much.
Bask in the glory and congratulations of a year under your bloggy belt and get ready for the next 365 days. We have great expectations of you.
Happy Blogiversary Holly. You add a spark to my day.
It's been an absolute pleasure getting to know you Holly! Your blogs are great and may there be many, many more of 'em!
Lots and lots of love. xxx
Happy Blogaversary! Wishing you many happy posts! :D
It seems just like yesterday that I was sitting here laughing out loud about pagan babies. Congratulations on a year of always interesting sharing of thoughts and ideas.
Happpy BirthBlog!! It's been a pleasure coming here to visit. May the next 365 be as Glorious as the first. Love and Light, Nina P
Happy Anniversary Holly!
I am so very, very glad you started blogging so I could find you--my long lost Sister in Snark! As i've said many times before, you are a gifted writer, an inspiration and a cherished friend. Here's to many more happy years!
Congratulations Holly!
It has been a pleasure getting to know you in blogland. If you have any secrets to share with your experiences I would love to hear them, I am fairly new to this blogland. I was lucky to come across your blog and all the wonderful wishers at Jamie's and that has been great.
I missed your anniversary! :(
Here is to another year of making us all think a little more. I hope I can get used to it. ;)
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