News Flash: I don't give a fuzzy rat's ass where you go for your information.

Could not care less what might be your favorite haunt for news and updates. Who your favorite anchor person is, what personality traits you look for when you turn to them for news.

Like you, I have my opinions on where I go to hear and see what's being 'told' is what's going on in the world around me. But, I'm not going to tell you which are my preferences because they don't matter here. Neither do yours. It's not about that stuff at the moment. Our opinions and preferences could be best debated over drinks one night so call me if you want to get together.
This is not about whether you adore or despise the current Administration, The President, his staff, their politics. I don't give a damn about that. DO not!
No, let's get on target here; I insist that you pay attention to what
is critically important here...and it's not what we think and our opinions.

We're headed down a VERY slippery slope at the moment, and as a paid professional communicator, I'm bringing it to your attention. I have always seen it as part of my job, this attempting to make certain that you have a thought and I have a care about things. That you understand what the issue is really and not what you might think it to be, or being deceived by a smoke screen to see....

So what is at issue here, what I want you to consider is that, as a citizen of a free society you have the right to expect that all voices, views and takes on a story are open for
your consideration. Available for
your review. Easily accessible for
you to take up. Or NOT. But, that's for
YOU to decide for yourself. Not the government; NEVER the government!

A free society must have a free media. MUST HAVE! And, it's dependent on us as free citizens to defend the right to free speech and an open media!
Let's get something straight because I believe you're getting confused-- you don't have to like, or respect, or care to watch all news outlets, all broadcast mediums. As a matter of fact, that's what I'm talking about; what a beautiful country we live in where you can say, "I absolutely HATE, (fill in the blank) news! Wouldn't watch them if someone held a gun to my head. I will only trust, (fill in the blank) to get solid information."
But, in this day and age, you better figure out soon and fill in that blank for yourself. Begin tuning in to it regularly. Because the world is changing on a dime these days and you need to know what's going on. Further more, you need to have the courage to spend some time with the one(s) you think you hate to get a different slant on the issues. Do it to question what is being reported to you. It's the only way to know where you stand on important things.
You must have the courage to look at important things from both sides of the aisle. MUST! Do not be afraid of the static in the world around you. Do not ignore it. But, neither should you allow fear to run your world. Just get facts and proceed accordingly. Stay informed at some level.
When you hear rumblings of our White House, which is the epicenter of the world's beacon of a free nation trying to do things to shut out a broadcast channel from important meetings? Are you freaking kidding me?!!!!?!!! You better set your hair on fire and start screaming! If you allow the government to control which media has access to information so that ultimately your access is limited, then we better kiss our asses good bye.
If it hadn't been for the ethical behavior of the other News outlets who pushed back and said, "No! If Fox News isn't here, we won't cover it either," they may have pulled off that crap. May have gotten away with it! SHAME on them for even trying it! And bravo to the Media for standing up. Even if they only did it because they know that, if they sat by and allowed it to happen to Fox, eventually it could happen to them.
Whatever the motivation, altruistic or self-preservation, I don't care! I'm just glad they did the right thing. So now it's your turn! You need to do the right thing as well. Talk to your friends about this latest little stunt...
Ask any person who lives in a country where the government controls the media how that's working for them. They'll all answer the same, "It doesn't!" So you better do your part to make certain that your government officials know how you feel about their attempts to control it recently.

You absolutely can hate Fox News if that's your feeling. Tell anyone who will listen because that's your right. In this country you have choices. So you better make sure you understand the problem of this bunch in the White House acting like mafia members or petulant high schoolers trying to keep out those they don't like from their social club.
The White House, President Obama and his staff, DO NOT have the right to set or control the scope of news coverage for the American public. DO NOT. Free media makes for a free society. You play a role in must talk to others about this recent event of trying to shut out a news source. And, if you're not mad about this, you damn well should be!
You better hope you never have a fox in your hen house. But, as a citizen who enjoys the privileges of a free society, you better make absolutely certain that along with every other news source, there is a Fox in the White House.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka A Professional Communicator