Saturday, February 18, 2017

Change In Title, Still Best In Show

This little darling is friend DJ's dog, Tess.  She came in from the garage with that tool- proudly announcing that, in honor of Rumor Has It winning this year's Westminster Kennel Club's Best In Show...

... she now wishes to be categorized as a Working Dog just like Rumor.

No more cushy life as a beloved lap-dog for this little Cockapoo!  No Sir! At least until DJ comes along and removes that whatchamacallit from her mouth.

Namaste' Till Next Time,


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I think Tess could give "Rumor Has It" a run for his title as working dog and best in show -- Working gal or not, whatta cutie she is!! (Kim & Todd)

Sheena said...

She is gorgeous I'm sure she could turn any judges eye ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

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