Is it the same at your home this year? Has this fall been one of the most lush and beautiful? Full of bright moments of sunlight that glints off of pumpkins, gourds, mums? Making them glow...
Early mornings that drip with dew or snap with frost in fields that have been mown and now lay brown and sleepy? On walks through your town, have you noticed the bright carpets of leaves of every color? Resting on green lawns where they wait to be piled up and jumped in?
Have you been graced by a visit of an angel or two, stopping by to remind you with a whisper that the season is fleeting but its beauty last forever?
So long as it is held in reverence by your your spirit.
I was lucky enough to catch one of those angels in the act of making it real and memorable for me. I thought I'd share it with you. Livy, ten months and counting.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka She Who Adores Autumn & Livy
She is enough to brighten up the dullest, drabest days of Autumn, Holly!
What a gorgeous smile on an adorable face!
And yes! I notice quite the family resemblance!!
Glorious Autumn Hugs!
Oh oh oh she is beyond too cute!! I just love watching her grow here!! Holly she is darling!! Yes she would brighten any season!!
So glad fall has been glorious there..not so much here!! But I am enjoying everyone elses photos!! Enjoy that sweet little one hon!!
Love, Sarah
Holly, isn't it interesting how our themes match today and what cuter poster kids for the beauty of autumn! Livy is a sweetheart that I hope to meet in person one day.
she looks like she was clapping at being 10 months old...too cute !
and yes...our november is kicking octobers butt, big time...
october screwed us...november is being a doll !!!
I think november was thinking how people love october so much because of the color and halloween and everything and then decided to show her....
by just being nice....YES november we love you !
Holly, my Queen...
Please swing by Casa Hice when you have a minute and pick up the award I left for you...
Miss Livy is getting so big-- and cuter by the minute!
I'm lucky to have experienced fall through blogging and great pictures like this and paintings by Sarah Sullivan. This is the time of year being on the West coast is the least fun. But thanks to you and my other blog friends it doesn't feel so far away.
And it looks like she's holding up 10 little pinkies to celebrate.
so cute
What a little cutie!
I love that you share her pictures here with us. :)
Fall is beautiful here. The trees are so gorgeous!
It's as if she "fits" right into this photo. It's like a picture postcard. Lovely.
What a sweet little angel.
That's a good idea to put a sign within the picture telling the age of the sweetykins. Little ones change and grow so much and so fast at this age.
Holly there is a God,, I am back, and doing the Happy Dance, finally was able to get this fixed and talked to the guy at my cable provider this am, so hopefully I am here to stay. I have felt so out of touch lately.Livy is so cute. take care. Big Hugs to you my friend.
Livy is a stunner! I want to reach through the computer and pinch her cheeks lightly. Squishy!
As autumn is one of my favorite months ever, I am taking in every rich moment so it can last me through the white months. :)
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