My post yesterday really has me thinking-- About my life; my thoughts. Still wondering what's wrong with me that I feel like I'm waiting for things...waiting...waiting...waiting. So I decided to type Lady In Waiting into a search and, holy crow, a zillion things pop up. No wonder I spend so much time waiting. I think all women must be waiting. Maybe we've been trained to wait. On people. On timing. On wishes. On hopes. On dreams. On LIFE!

It cuts across all cultures. Ladies In Waiting are-

I'm not saying that it has made us passive. But maybe all those years of being taught to wait has made us a bit emotionally reticent. Thinking we need someone else to do our emotional heavy lifting for us. Thinking that someone else may have to rescue us or give us direction. Waiting like wind-up dolls to be put in motion by someone outside of ourselves.
Maybe waiting has crossed over from patience into unmotivation.
I'm not saying that it's made us incapable because I have to tell you, from my own experiences, that the power is often greater behind the throne. You don't need to be royalty to have power. You just need to be good at what you do...what you know...add value. Make a difference. Share yourself.
But, I am suggesting strongly to myself that it's time for this Queen to remember to stop waiting and just start doing something...anything... to get a sense of her own life's power. Whatever form that takes. However mundane it seems. I am not a lady in waiting; I am queen of my destiny. The royalty of my own existence!
Time to stop waiting. The dance has long since started and I have come late to the ball. So while I may not always be in step with the music, regardless, I better get out there on the floor and dance my own dance.
I think, from now on...

I am a Queen, not a waiting lady! It's time for Her Majesty Moi to get connected to her life. At least begin working on it. What am I waiting for???!!!
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka The Queen of The Universe
All images courtesy of the Internet
It's your day, Holly! No more waiting, just seize the day and run like fury! My father always said to us that waiting is a trap. 'There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count.'
The "get going" and "keep moving" are two of the hardest things for me to overcome, but since I started following your blog, it's becoming easier. You have helped me, so if there is anything I can do for you, just "holler".
Dance Holly Dance! You are a Queen and it's your time to shine.
You are such an inspiration to me. I do not want to wait any longer either... so I'm going to dance with you.
I believe I shall set a tentative toe out onto the dance floor also!! My current state-of-wait is all tangled up in Motherhood and what I *should* be doing or not doing, as the case may be. Sod, that, I say!! What am I teaching my children about life (esp. my daughter) if I resign myself to martydom?
So, waiting be-damned!! I shall get my dancin' shoes on...
What say I join you and we start cuttin' some serious rug? ;)
~blessings to you~
Waiting is not passive...Waiting for the flower to bloom seems like inertia on the outside, but the real changes are going on INSIDE!
Conversely, don't wait for ALL the lights to turn green before you start driving!
Love your blog!
Holly, great post...I too shall get my shoes and dance.I like Tessas comment reason and results and reasons don't count. You will win this battle as that is what you are my dear! Big Hug.
A great post as usual,Holly!
Read this post at the right time.I was looking at a site to upload cards to sell and was in two minds,but your post helped me make mind -don't wait ,just jump in and you will learn to swim.
thank you
Here's a quote from a lovely book I have been reading about death...
"Imagine if you knew you were going to die within a week or a month. How would that change things? How would your priorities change? How would your thoughts change? Think honestly about what you would do with your last week. what a wonderful thought to contemplate. Then ponder this question: If that's really what you would do with your last week, what are you doing with the rest of your time? Wasting it? Throwing it away? Treating it like it's not something precious? What are you doing with life?" If YOU only had one week to live, what would you be doing? Why are you not doing it now? None of us know if this isn't going to be the last breath we take...
That chapter on death really threw me and made me think...hope it does the same with all of you.
Greetings you Majesty! How goes it with my Lady Queen of the Universe? Your carriage awaits. :)
Whoo hoo come join us on the dance floor Queen Holly!!! Let fly girl and I will join you!!! Jim frequently (for fun) reminds me he is the King..my reply is.."Good thing I am a Goddess!!"
Love you and want you to experience all the joy of letting fly!!!
Hugs, Sarah
Dang! I wish we lived loser together. We could take turns pushing each other out the door and onto our next adventure, then cheer each other on in person with our accomplishments! So in the meantime, we'll do it in cyberspace.
One of the reasons I started blogging is because I felt just like your post today-- although you said it far more eloquently than I could possibly have put it into words.
It's time. Let's jump together!
I love where yesterday's post took you ~ the language, the ideas ... the pictures you put in here...
You know what I think is in waiting on you? A book deal of some sort. You are definitely the queen of prose.
Right now I am waiting for my husband to come home from work so that I can go to sleep. Now, what does one have to do with the other?
Now I have this wonderful husband who says I am the queen of the universe and who am I to argue with him? No waiting lady here...it's petal to the metal! Way to go Holly..you are not a lady in waiting any longer!
I don't know...
I told you to add your photos to your blog...that you could do it....that you could be a photographer and you did....
I think you do more than you think....and a little waiting every now and then is okay...we're women you know and so often we change our minds...
so it's good to not always jump in feet first....you know, test the waters first :)
and now let's dance !
Oh what a gift this post is for me today. I have a situation in my life that I have been waiting for someone else to change for four years. No More! I am going to get in there and begin to take the action necessary myself!
Thank you!
(PS. I think some of those ladies were not as much "waiting" as simply being held down by the weight of their garments!)
Perhaps I'm not too qualified to comment on this one - but it's great to come back from vacation and see raring to go. Look out world!
I'm glad you're feeling confident about yourself again! And the pictures and info about ladies in waiting are great....I found this ver interesting...I am fascinated by Tudor history and there's a lot of mention about ladies in waiting, right now I'm reading about Anne Boleyn and her sister Mary, who were ladies in waiting for Queen Catherine, before Anne usurped her.
Interesting concept Holly, I never thought about the title of Lady in Waiting and what it meant....I will have to think on it
Hi Holly, thanks for commenting on my blog just now.
I did a little Aikido once but it was just a taster. The thing I liked about it was the fact you could control others' aggression without hurting them (unless you wanted to). Such a shame you had to give it up.
Buggar waiting!
Waiting for what?
Life's now :-)
remember whatever we focus on is what we get.
if we're thinking lady in waiting... then we're lady in waiting.
love ya Holly
x Ribbon
ps... Holly have you ever watched a movie titled
"What the bleep do we know"
it's quite a few years old, but well worth watching if you haven't already seen it.
x Ribbon
Great post. We can learn so much about ourselves through each other. I learned I am not alone in waiting. There's so many things we stop doing while we wait for the perfect song to play so we can get up and dance. Or we wait for the "perfect" person to dance with instead of enjoying dancing with the greatest partner of all--ourselves. Who needs music anyway???
Thank you for an insightful post.
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