The wishing question today, is: What do you wish to remember? And, I show you Fiona because she's my brash little girl who lives life on her terms and often gets to hear, "Fiona, leave it! No!" She always does it eventually and she always lets me know she's sorry if she upset me. Depending on what she's just done, sometimes it's easier for me to say, "Okay, that's okay..." Sometimes that's hard for me to do. That's her face when she finally understands that I'm upset with her. My wish comes from experiences with seeing that face. More lessons from my dog:
I wish to remember that I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. I sometimes take a step off the path. I wander around and poke at things that maybe don't wish to be poked. I blunder. I talk when maybe I should have just listened. I offer when I should have just accepted. I act when maybe I should of been still. I attempt to fix when no fixing was asked for. I wish to remember that my inquisitive nature is not appreciated by everyone. But, I am what I am.
I wish to remember all of that. And know that even with those short-comings, I'm just fine. I can come back from mistakes and be better for having made them. It's how I burn into my brain, "Well, Holly, don't ever repeat that one, hear?!"
I wish to remember that even though I apologize as soon as I know that I have injured someone by crashing into them like a big ol' dog, my apology may not be accepted. Still, I must offer it. I live with the lesson of having hurt another, am disappointed by that, and I learn my lessons from how that feels.
I wish to remember to move on when told, "Go away." Move on to the next learning because Hard lessons are only made more harsh for as long as I continue to circle around and around them. Sometimes the best direction to travel is away from what has been and look forward to something new.
I wish to remember that I am only Human...and will make mistakes. I wish to remember that and give my Self the gift of forgiveness, most especially when it's withheld by another. Because in the end, my ability to forgive myself? That's the grace that heals the deepest. And, it is a grace that only I can give.
Come along, Fiona, let's go see what joy awaits in our day~
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka A Human Being aka Fiona's Mommer
I wish to remember that I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. I sometimes take a step off the path. I wander around and poke at things that maybe don't wish to be poked. I blunder. I talk when maybe I should have just listened. I offer when I should have just accepted. I act when maybe I should of been still. I attempt to fix when no fixing was asked for. I wish to remember that my inquisitive nature is not appreciated by everyone. But, I am what I am.
I wish to remember all of that. And know that even with those short-comings, I'm just fine. I can come back from mistakes and be better for having made them. It's how I burn into my brain, "Well, Holly, don't ever repeat that one, hear?!"
I wish to remember that even though I apologize as soon as I know that I have injured someone by crashing into them like a big ol' dog, my apology may not be accepted. Still, I must offer it. I live with the lesson of having hurt another, am disappointed by that, and I learn my lessons from how that feels.
I wish to remember to move on when told, "Go away." Move on to the next learning because Hard lessons are only made more harsh for as long as I continue to circle around and around them. Sometimes the best direction to travel is away from what has been and look forward to something new.
I wish to remember that I am only Human...and will make mistakes. I wish to remember that and give my Self the gift of forgiveness, most especially when it's withheld by another. Because in the end, my ability to forgive myself? That's the grace that heals the deepest. And, it is a grace that only I can give.
Come along, Fiona, let's go see what joy awaits in our day~
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka A Human Being aka Fiona's Mommer
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
Have a nice day! :)
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Wise wishes, and the sweet face of a puppy. What more could one ask for?
As Holly wishes for herself, so I also wish for her.
Life is a bumpy ride,isn't it? Sounds like you're making the most of the trip to me.
Bright Blessings.
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also ... everything I else I feel I've already said to you privately. The Fiona pic? Classic! How is it that her 'uh, oops!' face so closely resembles Zoe's? The expression in the eyes, I think.
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Holly, you are a wise, wise woman.
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Remember, when you judge yourself, you break your own heart.
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Holly,forgiveness is the best gift we can give ourselves and this is the message I take from you today.
blessings for abundance
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
Your wish is so heartfelt Holly.
Hi Holly,
So many wonderful things to remember and all filled with self-forgiveness. May this wish come true for you!
Giulietta, inspirational rebel
p.s. cute pooch!
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!!
Oh hon...I know from were this wish are too hard on yourself. It is a wonderful wish - that we ALL need to remember. are a dear soul and I love the fact that your honest with me ..even when I don't want to hear it..I need to. I need people like you who are brave and tell me the truth. I love you for this!! Love, Sarah
Huge squishy hugs, Sarah
remembering is all that you can do for now as the wounds slowly heal...
Holly, not only do I wish for you but I also wish for myself! I loved your post today and you really reminded me that it's OK to get off the path and be human.
As Holly so compasionately and *humanly* wishes so too do I wish for Holly. So beautifully stated and heartfelt, thanks.
George Santayana, whoever he is, wrote "The wisest mind has something yet to learn", so, its a good thing you're not perfect yet!
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for you also. That was beautifully stated. I hope you are well. Chin up,big Hug.
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.
Hugs to you. What a boring world we would have if we were all perfect. You my dear sweet friend bring so much to all of us... with imperfections and all. And this makes you beautiful because you are being you.
I know you always only wish love and peace to all of us... I know that for certain. And I wish that for you.
Love you always. xx
Great post, great writer. :-)
As Holly wishes for herself I so wish for her as well.
And how can you deny such a cute face....
Such a profound wish, Holly. We indeed make mistakes. And if you're not making mistakes, you're not stretching yourself beyond what you've done before, learning to do something new. This was made so clear to me when I recently looked back at and wrote about some of my own mistakes from my youth.
Unfortunately, we often refuse to accept fallibility in ourselves or in others, and when something goes wrong, we seek to blame someone, rather than admitting that everyone makes mistakes and working to accept those mistakes. It's sad.
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her and all of us also.
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Sometimes in our attempts to help others we overstep our boundaries without realizing we are doing it. You feel remorse and have apologized, that's all you can do. You cannot make someone forgive you, they have to come to that on their own in their own time. As you say, you've learned something from this...time to leave it and move on.
Wise words my friend... especially the last paragraph.
I hope your wishes come true ten fold.
Phew, you do sound like me!
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also with love and light
Kim x
Remember that you are more worthy of love and happiness than you could ever imagine ... and if you ever do become perfect, I'll have to be mad at you and you don't want that!
Another lovely post, Holly.
I do so admire your ability to find special meaning in all aspects of the world around us, and to share your wisdom and insight through your wonderfully descriptive writing.
Hello beautiful Holly,
I like the photo of your beautiful dog. I'm a dog fan.
Remembering is good.... forgive and forget's good too.
Hug for you 'cause I always greet my friends with a hug.
x Ribbon :)
May all your wishes come true. :)
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
What an impish face your pup has! Bravo to forgiveness - that is a great reminder...
As Holly wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
Blessings to both you and Fiona!
As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
That is such a great thought Holly. As Holly wishes for herself, so I also wish for her.
Best wishes,
Ah..such wonderful words..they somehow sooth my soul...Very much enjoy all your posts!
As Holly wishes for herself, I wish for her also. May we all remember the things that you wish for!
...bringing up the rear -- having not done the Wishing rounds and not really intending to, but I came across this one and couldn't keep walking....
Bless you, Dear One....for all that has come and past, for all that has yet to be....we stumble, we fall flat on our backsides...but, by Spirit's Grace, there is always a hand to help you up.....and to wipe that smudge off the end of your nose....*grin*
As the Brave Holly wishes for then do I, with Love and Intent...wish for her also....'s a wish that we should all be wishing....
I'm right Here...
I reiterate with deeply felt sincerity: As Holly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! Or as my Papa used to say to us...
"Augurandovi felicità e di amore sempre.."
If you and Fiona can look for the many joys in each and every day, then the world and its myriad wonders await you both, dearest Holly. But, hey, I have a strong feeling that you do that already, don't you?
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