Gardeners in my area have been enjoying a banner year. Higher than average rain fall and the cooler days means that plants and the grass have bloomed, grown, and run wild like kids on summer vacation. Recently, I've been showing close ups of the inhabitants in my gardens, and I've been asked a time or two what things look like in the gardeness of it all, so I thought...
...I'll wait till a sunny day and take them on a bit of a tour. Click on any of the photos to see the details if you'd like. First stop? My humming bird feeder, which when I had the camera ready, not one of the cheeky lil' buggers would come winging by! Dern...
I've shared this spot before as it's one of my favorites, but I got caught up in the light cut into two extremes; I liked the effect. I adore this water feature of ours. The sound is so soothing, yet we don't have to deal with the aspects of upkeep since it's a pondless water fall. I'd highly recommend it if you have children or, don't want to deal with the upkeep that's required of water features.

Here's our back deck. We spend a great deal of time out here, but honestly, since we put up the under-decking, I prefer sitting on the patio below. It's always shaded and comfortable. And, when it rains, I can sit out there and enjoy the sound and the smell. Wonderful!

If you stand on the deck and look to your right, here's the view that will greet you. We are blessed with outstanding neighbors, many of whom are very much into gardening. Western PA has some beautiful natural areas. The Laurel Highlands is one of those. Nice, huh?

I've never had a veggie garden before and this summer my next door neighbor and I decided we'd share one. It's a great idea; it's not as much work as trying to do it on your own, and it's fun to share the excitement of growing things with a friend. Cindy and I are always amazed when we go out and it looks as though it's jumped up another foot!

I had absolutely no idea that green bean plants could be so dainty and pretty. I like to stand in the garden and watch the flowers open. Soon, they're going to yield us some very tasty Blue Lake Green Beans. Yum!

And, this is one of our tomato plants that I placed in the center of the garden to act as a sentinel. It's becoming quite impressive in size, but it doesn't scare the chipmunks who go jetting in and out of the garden as though it was a game of Super Market Sweep.

Even the marigolds are getting visitors. And the very last of the spinach makes a nice counter point to the vivid color of these little gems...

Across the yard from the veggies, is my other garden and the wall that Fiona and Rory like to walk along. Very brave Scots I have; nerve wracked mother I am, yelling, "Come down, Come down!!"

Honestly, though, everything has grown so large that I often feel as though I'm in Jurassic Park...everything is encroaching on the next plant and there is absolutely no order in the garden this year. Those really tall things you see? They're Casa Blanca lilies not yet bloomed. The stalks are taller than me! Whoever heard of lilies growing so tall? The English lavender is no slouch this year and has become a bee blanket.

The grasses are wild and the sunflowers have yet to bloom but are over seven feet tall! Wowzers...

Some of my hosta have become quite bossy expanding into new spaces...and the lilies on this side are also impressive; they'll need to be staked to keep them from crashing down before the blooms open. There is nothing like the fragrance of Asiatic lily in the sultry evening air...ahhh!

This rare sunny day was the chance to weed and take a stroll in my newest garden, installed this year, at the far edge of the property. I was lucky to find a Forest Pansy Red Bud tree. I love red buds, but this form is really quite lovely as the leaves stay this delicious merlot color all summer and turn red in the fall. It's really a gem.

This isn't the best shot as I've discovered that bright sun flattens out images, so it's hard to pick out detail, but here's the newest garden. There's the Forest Pansy standing on the right looking all full of herself. She knows she's pretty and expects to be admired.

There's more to see, but I don't want to wear you out. Why don't we stop here? I'll share more later. If the sun has made you a bit tired, let's sit under the deck with some iced tea and chat. Or, if you'd rather take a little snooze like some in the garden seem to do...I don't mind, go right ahead. I'll just sit here with you and watch the garden grow while you do.

Namaste' Till Next Time,
oh Holly, your garden is divine! there is something so special about visiting other gardens via blogs... especially when on the other side of the world.. while it is cold for me, I can enjoy the warmth of your garden and when you get hot, you can come visit mine..that lavender must smell divine right now.
when you look at the view, or I look at mine, I am sure we both have peaceful, grateful hearts.. we are blessed.
thanks for inviting me to the garden stroll xoxo
I'm in Heaven,,,holly it is just beautiful, everything. they are so tranquil are'nt they...I have lavender and it is the first year it has bloomed although i have to admit it looks nothing like that. We had an amazing day in the yard too. My next post will have a butterfly that landed on my hand although we did not get that shot. i am sure it was a once in a lifetime thing. Your blogfriend from canada, cinner
It's funny. When I looked at your photos and read your words, I thought of miss*R's garden, and here she is commenting!
You two are garden sisters for sure!
My garden has become the Amazon rain forest. This will be rectified!
I will include before and after shots!
Thank you, Dearest - nothing I love more than a 'turn about the garden'...and of course, we must sit for tea before seeing if anything has come in with the second post...;) I am SO trapped in a previous life....;)
'Tis a most sacred space you have there...the wilder the better, I say...
Holly, I'm a friend of Ed F's, and he's encouraged me to read your blog. I'm glad he has; you bring some solace and sunlight to a sometimes bleary day. Your trip around the garden was fantastic and makes me long to skip work and feverishly work in mine so it lives up to the picture in my head!
My tomatoes are doing great this year, indeed, thanks to the weather. Thank you for the writing. Ellen
A lovely tour -- thank you!
Simply beautiful, Holly. I loved every minute of that wonderful meander through your stunning garden. Absolute bliss!
Thanks for the pics of your garden, it is certainly a beautiful place. It's so nice to "converse" with another about our sanctuaries. I just love that sitting outside enjoying nature is peaceful and yet exciting. There's tranquility along with bits of surprises here and there.
Wonderful pics, beautiful posts, very nice!
You are wonderful to share all of the beauty of all of that hard work ... exquisite! Every spot so very inviting!
Yup Divine!!What a wonderful space - so open but cozy!!!I looove it - ll of it - it's so....you!!! Divine, open and cozy - that's our Queen Holly!!
I'm a huge Hosta fan..gonna come sit on you porch and have a tea with ya - scooch over..where are those puppies??
Hugs, Sarah
Guess who's finally comin' to visit? You're right, you do have beautiful gardening/landscaping. My fav is the waterfall with "fake" pond. I can see me sitting there with a cup of coffee every morning-and forgetting that I have to go to work. We have a wall that Chester likes to walk too but he can't go his normal 100 mph so he doesn't do it often enough to scare me. I love hostas too! I really like the Forest Pansy Red Bud tree, never heard of it but she is a beaut!
Enjoy! all your hard work!
meesh ;0=)
When you posted earlier that there's not a great deal of space between houses, I pictured a crowded city neighbourhood with narrow lots. I didn't picutre this...I'm glad you added the picture of the view to the side of your deck...its a lot greener than I thought...peaceful. Maybe when I get my camera back I'll feature some of my garden.
And the little moving thingy about "its great to be queen" is so cool!
Your garden is truly wonderful and you are an inspiration to me!
Years ago, I actually spent a fair amount of time and energy at gardening, but I've strayed of late into cardmaking, and there never seems to be enough time.
But now I'm determined, especially after seeing your lovely gardens, to MAKE time for gardening this summer!
Hollygirl......your whole place is lovely......and that double-click coolins does awesome stuff to the pictures eh??? I'd forgotten how well Firefox works........thanx for the reminder......
Dear Snarky Sister, I am sitting here with a smile on my face having just toured your glorious garden! What a beautiful place full of gorgeous flowers, trees and grasses.
Love the idea of sitting in the shade on the under deck too, especially on a warm afternoon.
Beautiful! Thank you so much for showing us around.
ok Holly! that's it! i'm comin' over! but i'll bring my clogs, my trowel and my gloves! i'm ready to work!!!! beautiful!
Oh my! so much loveliness! It looks so beautiful and tranquil....so lush....*sigh*
Can I come visit and just hang out in the garden? :)
Beautiful garden shots, Holly! I live in Central PA and was just remarking to my husband that I can't remember a more green summer because of all the June rain.
I must know more about the pondless waterfall! Did you put it in yourself?
Holly your garden is fantastic!!!
Your home looks enormous too.
Wow you guys must have some fun over your way.
So green so beautiful.
Thanks for sharing...
I had a lovely time at your place
xx Ribbon
Your garden is the best. Very magnificent. Thank you for posting!
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