Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day & A New Time

If you're lucky enough to have had your feet hit the floor this morning, (or you won't be reading this if they didn't!), you'll be feeling one of two ways- exhilarated because your candidate won the race or deflated because yours didn't. Either way, it's a new day. So, the question becomes, how will you walk through your day? What will you do with the moments that make it yours?

I will start by congratulating both candidates and thanking them. What a grind the past two years have been. I'll start by saying a prayer for both- for President Elect Obama, that he has the courage and fortitude to be worthy of the prize. And, for Senator McCain, my prayer will be that he easily finds the next way to be of service and to successfully define himself. The same prayer goes for their families.

I'll pray that the monumental swell of emotion that comes from Mr. Obama's win lasts longer than the first few days. I'll pray that the millions who stood with him are rewarded for their trust and belief. I'll pray that we give him the benefit of doubt when he doesn't immediately manifest all that's been promised. After all, lasting change rarely happens immediately. For the millions who voted the other way, I'll pray that they have the courage to keep open minds and the ability to stretch out of their comfort zones to begin an era of harmony that our national song desperately needs.

After my prayers, I will probably do something mundane like brush my teeth, make my bed. My day will go on as before because I didn't run the race and neither did you; I simply did my small part yesterday and that's done for now. Reality sets in. Life moves on. Change is afoot even though we can't say we know we'll all like it when it manifests. Most wanted change. We needed change. Be careful what we asked for because we are certainly going to get it. Some of the change will be welcome, other changes will not go well. But, that's the very nature of change. Going forward, do our parts when asked and keep open minds and hearts.

This morning, nothing looks different at my house, how about at yours? But, we all know things are different; history has been made. I hope we can each add our unique means of making sure the history is positive. Look for the way to keep your part positive. Proceed with a joyful heart and know that all will be well. Yesterday, we were a nation of Democrats, Republicans, or Independents. With the gift of this new day, I am praying we can get back to being a nation of Americans. How about you?

Namaste' Till Next Time,


Eileen said...

Good Morning Holly ... your message is such a nice compliment to my cup of coffee and my hope-filled heart today! Well said, my dear! Here's to our hard work ahead and a continuation of believing that we, the people, are back in the game ... the work is ours to do. It starts with our choice in presenting a positive, energized, can-do attitude, an open mind to hear from the wisdom among us, and to a belief that we have begun to make a difference ... the work has just begun, but I know we are all up to it! The young brave men and women in uniform have been in the trenches for years now ... it's time we all joined them!

Chris Ruebel-Lantz said...

Since Obama became President elect, every time I see him I get all teary eyed. It is nice to feel alive.

jkc said...

So do I, Chris!

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