This is what my world looks like this morning.
Moral of the story? They don't say, "Bird brain," without good cause. Then again, a bird is about as correct about predicting the weather as a weather person on the evening news. Except the bird is cheaper. Which, if I am going to get wrong information, I'd prefer to pay as little as possible...
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka Ever Hopeful
Holly, I was hoping that snow would dip a little further south!! We've got a small patch still waiting for the next one.
Spring has to be coming; it just has to be!
I like your idea holly, I think we should hiberate when the snow comes!Snow just sneaks up on us!
Oh man, that snow is brutal. Enough already.
Stay warm and be careful out there.
xo jj
I so need Spring to be here now. We're sitting in -20C temps today. And expecting more snow next week. I want to see green.
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