Oh, Olivia I am sorry to say there is a new baby in our family who is making us coo and sigh. You should have guessed it was just a question of time before your reign as the Baby in the family was complete. I don't suppose that any of us thought it would happen this soon, after a mere 11 months, but sorry to say it has.
Livy, My Dear, accept it with grace.
Yep! There is a new baby in the Dietor/Frock family. I know Melissa's not married yet, but sometimes these things happen. And, we're delighted. So, with that said, let me introduce you to...

Oh my gawd, is he not just the cutest thing you've seen in a long, long time?!

An eight-week-old, French Bulldog, Jodi has already proven himself to be a champ and quite self contained. No crying during his first car ride to his new home. I want to kiss those ears! No crying for him through the first night in a strange place without his litter mates, no sir! He is in control.

Rory & Fiona reminded me that throughout history, the Scots and the French have been very good allies, so they are more than delighted to have a nephew. And, secretly Rory is even more happy because now Fiona will have someone else to boss about, relieving some of his daily burden.
Wee Jodi has already established that the blue binky, which is almost bigger than his head, is the toy of choice out of his already impressive stash. As you can see, he guards it quite closely.

But, all of that takes a great deal of energy so fast, often unexpected, naps are required to rebuild that bravado. You can find him in this pose quite often.
However, of all the cute pictures that will be taken of our new baby, I'm thinking this might be one of my continual favs...

...this one of Jodi and Daddy Zach. Zach is Melissa's intended. And, what I say here now is the real kernel of this happy event. The image is the gift of love.
Money is an on-going struggle for the two of them, just as it is for most young people these days. And, let's be honest, for most of us in this down economy and life. Sad to say.
Zach made it his mission to grant Melissa's desire to own such a wonderful creature. It's not been easy. It won't be convenient going forward to be the excellent owners I know they will be. Money is a headache.
But, Zach in his usual quiet, and determined way made it his goal to grant Melissa's wish. And, isn't that what this Season of Lights is all about?
Thanks, Zach, for giving me another example of the meaning of love and Christmas. You and now Jodi are both very welcome additions to our Family.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka DogNanna Holly