Olivia turned 4 months old yesterday, which means that both Mom & Dad believe it's high-time she get up off her diapered bumm, go out and get a job. Enough hanging at the pool; enough looking all cute and hanging out with her friends. Enough already. Go get a job! She could feel it coming so wasn't all that surprised. Dad is a member of the Harford County Sheriff's Department in Maryland. He has an in; Livy took it.
The uniforms are a bit too big, so while they're being altered, they out-fitted her with the easily-recognizable-from-the-rear-view-mirror-oh-damn-I'm-so-gonna-get-a-speeding-ticket, Stetson. Livy loves it. You can tell she thinks she looks good. Stylin'! (Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, err, hat.)
And, talk about pimp my ride! Sweet!! A cup holder for a ginormous cuppa milk. It's important to stay hydrated while you're working the beat. Note to self: make sure you know where all the good spots are for a quick and safe diaper change...
Officer Olivia's ride even comes with her very own laptop right there. All the better to easily read her favorite blog, Your Mother Knows...but only on her break. She's not one to squander county resources. Or if she's pulled you over, she can check your records to see if you are a lover of Sponge Bob as she is, then she might let you off with a warning. Maybe...
She's having a bit of an issue that the GPS system in this new-fangled cruiser of hers, requires her to still use archaic forms of mapping. What the heck is up with that? Helloooo! It's 2009 for heaven's sake! And if that weren't enough, now the perp in the back seat seems to have become a bit grabby which she'll have to put a stop to immediately, "Sit back, shut up, and don't make me come back there and put the cuffs back on you, Ma'am."
It's hard having a job at only 4 months, but hey, if anyone in the Gonzalez house can do it successfully, it's Livy. She's already warned Georgie, her dog, "Watch out, I heard them talking. You're probably next! I think the K-9 squad is hiring."
Still, at the end of a long hard day dealing with the bad guys and keeping the world safe, there's absolutely nothing better than...
The uniforms are a bit too big, so while they're being altered, they out-fitted her with the easily-recognizable-from-the-rear-view-mirror-oh-damn-I'm-so-gonna-get-a-speeding-ticket, Stetson. Livy loves it. You can tell she thinks she looks good. Stylin'! (Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, err, hat.)
And, talk about pimp my ride! Sweet!! A cup holder for a ginormous cuppa milk. It's important to stay hydrated while you're working the beat. Note to self: make sure you know where all the good spots are for a quick and safe diaper change...
Officer Olivia's ride even comes with her very own laptop right there. All the better to easily read her favorite blog, Your Mother Knows...but only on her break. She's not one to squander county resources. Or if she's pulled you over, she can check your records to see if you are a lover of Sponge Bob as she is, then she might let you off with a warning. Maybe...
It's hard having a job at only 4 months, but hey, if anyone in the Gonzalez house can do it successfully, it's Livy. She's already warned Georgie, her dog, "Watch out, I heard them talking. You're probably next! I think the K-9 squad is hiring."
Still, at the end of a long hard day dealing with the bad guys and keeping the world safe, there's absolutely nothing better than...
OMG - she is beyond tooooo cute! I just love that age - all snuggly and squishy just right for smoochin on!! She sure has a wonderful spirit - look at that smile! Here is so Officer Olivia!!! BTW - great story hon!!
Namaste, Sarah
Adorable! What a happy girl.
OMG how cute....good for Livy not to use up county time checking out all those great blogs in blogland or even web shopping...not like some of us....cough, cough, cough. But, wait a minute, I'm a state worker, that's different!
Simon and I were checking out Livy's new work gig and hey, he kinda likes a girl in a uniform! Sweet pictures and a beauty of a little girl.
Looks like fun, she sure is a happy little thing. just want to hug her.
Livvy can come arrest me ANY TIME as long as she shares the cell with me, and so long as my jailbird suit looks like her awesome red jammies (with FEET).
I had a peek at your post; following from beth. You look like a "kindrid spirit" Might I join your following? Beautiful pics of Livvy...like the name too. Very creative, I'm finding so many creative people in this world of blogging!
how funny was that post !!!
OMG....you totally cracked me up with your words and her cuteness !!!
"and with the perp in the backseat"...oh that one got me good !
and, ummm...maybe you should right a children's book...I think you have it in you !!!
What an adorable baby! Too cute!
Fun post!
Thanks for visiting my place. :)
Thanks for the heads up - if you see a silver Subaru with VT plates speeding through Marlyand, know that there will be a Spongebob strapped in the passenger seat.
Ok, this blog takes the cake!!!!! I was literally peeing my pants! You are quite the creative writer - I absolutely got the biggest kick out of this blog and it is definitely one for the books!
Love you always,
Haha. I bet her parents are happy to have such a cute little working woman in the family ;)
How adorable! I love the story! My cheeks are hurting from grinning! she is so squishy! :)
Fun Fun, Holly!
Cutie patootie!!!
My favorite blog of yours evah. :)
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