I'm just like you...there are times when I absolutely want to walk away from everything and everyone that makes up my life. Toss it. Walk on. Shake the dust from my heels and the clutter from my mind. Just. Be. Done. You think, there's got to be more. Even if not more, there certainly has to be different than this! I'm made of special stuff. My life should be exotic and different. I'm not made to be the same as everyone! I'm unique!!! I'm Going Native...
So you start your search. You journey. You take a leap of faith. Maybe travel further than you thought you might. Even if you never leave your chair, your thoughts start pushing you into uncharted territory like on ancient maps that were left unfinished because no one yet knew; considering things you may never have before considered. But, caution: Here Be Dragons! Stepping out into uncharted territories, Going Native, is not without risk.
Slowly you start to realize that your journey can't be done alone. Others most certainly will be necessary. Some you'll welcome on your path. Some you'll be happy to be shed of once their time with you is done. While some will go completely unnoticed by you. However, their role will not be...all have a vital role to play in this adventure.
For, you'll learn that even the greatest ships need the help of one small individual who waits patiently to tether you safely to your far shores. It can't be done by technology alone...the Human element is vital to your success.
And, you'll need to be partnered with others who love you and work tirelessly for your happiness and growth. Who share the trials with you. Who applaud your need to Go Native. Those who actually help you get there...
Like My Beloved, Michael, whose Trojan efforts this past year gained him the recognition of being the Number Two sales producer in the United States! I am so very proud of him. So. Very. Proud! Have you identified those in your life like him? They're there! Look closely.
You plot your course and start moving toward the place you're certain paradise awaits. You'll applaud your efforts and courage. But, even more you begin to realize that you can't get there from here without assistance...you'll need a means of tender. You'll need someone to help, again...
You'll hear strange sounds, music and new languages...you won't know what to listen to first, there's so much to take in. And, the music is uplifting and happy. It reminds you that you were so right in your choice to Go Native...be someplace completely different.
But, as you listen, you'll begin to see the beads of sweat from the effort invested to create this music. From Human Beings who are willing to stand for hours in the heat playing on...all for your amusement and joy. They do it for your tips of recognition. As you Go Native, remember to say thank you, often, to those who bring color to your journey.
Further in your travels, you'll come to the spot where more choices need to be made. Where doors will open...and some will remain tightly shut. What will you do? Which one is the right one? Do you stay stuck insisting that the door you want opens, or do you stay flexible and consider the one that is ajar? Going Native is not without its challenges...
You'll eat new things. And sit in new spaces. You'll marvel at it all and wonder why you didn't drop your old life sooner for something this exotic and new. But, do you really have the courage to learn to eat Iguana and some of the other local fair?
We take so much for granted. We walk through life without wondering. Without considering. Take these little coca beans, for example...so fragrant...so wonderfully comforting...intoxicating in their chocolate goodness. Hmmm, can you smell it? Taste it? Want it? Do you question it?
It's everywhere for your enjoyment. But, not so easy to come by... Like a lot of good things in life, it comes about only with a Human Being's effort and dedication. Like this woman who sits for hours and shells the husks off these wee dark bits of heaven. A Human Being makes this possible. Is she thanked, do you suppose?
Gone Native, living in paradise, where the average wage is $4600 a year. If you're lucky. Where you might spend your days on the road side waiting for more tourists to show up in vans. You hope that they find your work worthy...you are polite and humble in your interactions... It would appear that Going Native may be much easier than being native. Still willing to try?
In all probability, the answer is YES! There are times when you must consider that something other than what you now know is out there waiting for you. A new way. A new life defined by your rules. A new thought. A new view. New, truer measures of success.
But, while you journey, remember to look for things that remind you of who you are. What you love. How you define yourself. The beauty of who you are. Look for colors that keep you grounded. That help you remember what's worth keeping while you stretch into a new way of being.
And, by all means, remember to thank the Natives you encounter who give you life altering moments. Those who completely blow your preconceptions away. Who glide through your limiting thoughts. Those individuals you never thought you would meet in a lifetime. Those exotic, strange ones that make you nervous and anxious to be close to...
...those who make you realize in a fleeting moment that your life will never, ever be the same for the gift of holding them close. Go! Get moving. Go Native. Love your life. And those spirits who help you craft it to its authentic perfection.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka She Who Swims With The Rays
9 hours ago
Oh Holly ... one of my very favorites! Well, that list is long, but you knocked it outta the park again! Perfect!
Jamaica Kinkaid wrote a KILLER book about the whole ... tourist/native perspective that you touch on here., called A Small Place. being native NOT the same as going Native ...
A wonderful post, Holly -- so much food for thought there...as always.
~much love~
What an absolutely perfect ending! I was hoping a picture of that experience would surface.
Nothing like a thoughtful push to remind people to break out of the comfort zone and grow. And ponder.
That said, I'll pass on the Iguana...
Hi Holly,
A thought provoking post!
Very interesting!Thanks for making me think about getting out of my comfort zone. Me and a sting ray. mot a chance....you brave girl. Hope you are feeling better.Rake Care
What a great post, Holly! Very thought provoking. Loved all the photos.
Especially that last one. :)
Very thought provoking post.
And I want to thank you for the very insightful posts that you have made to my blogs....you have changed my perceptions of some of the things that I have related; given me a different place to stand for the experience and been more helpful than you can imagine.
I'm late on this one, but as I explained to Toni, my Internet Explorer suddenly got a little testy with me...
I couldn't open your site for a couple of days, and then it went to Toni's, and finally yesterday, it was Christine's. I was suspecting the template, because I believe you are all hosted by the same one, but I had no trouble opening Samantha's. So, I am not sure what happened.
I downloaded Mozilla today, and so far no problems!! No this is not spam, and I am not promoting them, I'm just letting you know how I outsmarted IE!! :)
So, I got some catching up to do here, Queen Mother!
I am in love with the stories you tell, Holly. I feel like we went hand in hand on this journey....
No, it's not the site, it has something to do with Blogger and Internet Exploder. I recently, on the advice of an I.T. guy shifted over to Firefox, too, and it's so much better. I'd highly recommend it...so I'm glad you're back. You're not the only one who's been having problems. Readership is way down across the board because of this swarming, shifting problem.
As to my stories? I'm so very glad that you enjoy them!
Hi Holly... I've been trying to get here for what feels like days.
Finally I've arrived... something is not quite right in blogger land and it's not allowing certain sites.
All appears well now...
Great post...... love the photos too!
Best wishes & once again Welcome Home :-)
I so want to go native....at least for a week or so...and maybe I'll love it so much that I'll stay for the rest of my life !
what a great story so magically written with a visual feast...you're amazing !
my word verification is stint...."a period of time" or something like that, right ?....anyhow, maybe fitting ?
Beautiful....pictures too! So glad to find you! Huge guts to swim with the rays, keep thinking of Steve Erwin. Brave girl
Wonderful! I really needed this journey you've shared with us! Thanks so much.
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