Summer First Night
In the blessed black of first night,
I look up with longing to a velvet sky
Filled to over-flowing with stars.
The soft breeze strokes my arms
Caresses my cheek
Kisses me hello to Summer.
My eyes adjust to the sweep of sky
Taking in more stars
More details.
Slowly, the stars begin to fall
Drifting out of their seats
Sailing soft seeking ground.
They twinkle...off
They stutter...off
They quiver...off.
The first Fireflies
The first Lightning Bugs
Signal silently to welcome me and Summer.

In the blessed black of first night,
I look up with longing to a velvet sky
Filled to over-flowing with stars.
The soft breeze strokes my arms
Caresses my cheek
Kisses me hello to Summer.
My eyes adjust to the sweep of sky
Taking in more stars
More details.
Slowly, the stars begin to fall
Drifting out of their seats
Sailing soft seeking ground.
They twinkle...off
They stutter...off
They quiver...off.
The first Fireflies
The first Lightning Bugs
Signal silently to welcome me and Summer.

Namaste' Till Next Time,
Images courtesy of The Internet
Images courtesy of The Internet
I'm a country girl at heart. I need to see the stars at night. It makes me remember lightning bugs and being barefoot all summer. I still don't like to wear shoes.
Such sweetness Holly. I feel is if I am there right next to you experiencing this wonder with you. xx
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