"So, I'm thinking," he says, "The weather today isn't that great and we're not that far away from it. How would you like to drive up to see Niagra Falls?" "Oh wow," says I, "I didn't know we were that close to it." "Well, we're about as far a drive to it as we are to Erie from home, so what do you think?"
Absolutely! I've never been. So, into the truck the four of us go. Puppies quickly laying down as they can tell we're going to be awhile. How they know this, I don't know. A couple of hours later, the sun breaks through and we're there walking about with the other tourists seeing an amazing site.

75,000 gallons a second! That's what slams over the falls. The roar of it all but drowns out the sound of talking. People from all over the world, speaking all sorts of languages, linger at the rail standing in awe of the power. You just don't get to see that every day, you know? This is Horse Shoe Falls from the American side. If you click on any of these pictures, it will take you to full size so you can see detail.

We watched as a bunch of visitors got ready to go on the Maid of The Mist as they've done for years and years. The only indicator of current times is that they no longer give you slickers to wear...now they give you a yellow baggie with a hood to drop down over your body. Eww. So not appealing to me. And so not like you see in those great movies from the 30's! I had a blast standing on the edge watching the boat bob closer and closer and then sharply turning.

The Scotties were rock stars and may have been photographed more than the falls! We were asked repeatedly and of course we always agreed. A man from Germany spent a good five minutes capturing them. Children asking to pet them. People stopping to ask about them or share their love of their Scottie with us. I was proud of them as they took it all in stride. Fiona is not much for being touched by those she doesn't know, but she let the children pet her. Rory never met a person he didn't like so he was always up for the lovin'!

The noise may have been a wee bit intense for the dogs...they seemed to be a bit overwhelmed and excited at various stages of our time there. But, as long as 'Dad' was there, nothing too much to worry about.
Michael knows that I didn't have the opportunity to travel much as a child. And, a great many of the touristy things that everyone else takes for granted, I haven't experienced. I love that if he has a chance to show it to me, he does. I wouldn't see these wonderful things if he didn't make them possible. Thank you, so much!

The American falls is impressive, but not as much as I would have been able to see had I been standing just across in Canada. Unfortunately, since it was a spur of the moment thought, Michael and I didn't have our passports so we couldn't cross over to see. Truly, Canada does have a better view of all of the falls so we'll have to go back and do that one day.
What I didn't know is that there are some lovely, less powerful parts to the falls...places and spots of some truly beautiful scenery. Calmer. More quiet. Picturesque.

Stone bridges in the mist to walk across and watch as the waters swirl rapidly in anticipation of the ride over the edge...

Quiet swirling pools where you can take a minute to cool your feet and relax a bit till you trek to the next sight. So long as you're a bird, that is...

And, if you go, don't forget to look down at your feet. It's so easy to get absorbed in the powerful show out in front, that you could miss some pretty nice things, just at the edge of the unknown.
When you go to someplace new, always remember to look up and look down. A word of advice from the new kid.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
I've never been to the Falls but I hear their spectacular. There are so many places in our own back yard that I've yet to see...something to look forward to when we have more time and freedom. I'm glad you're getting out to see more vistas. :)
I've never been physically, but today thanks to you I was there. These photos are awe inspiring Holly!
I'm glad you enjoyed your *sidetrip* to the Falls. We live quite close - about a 40 minute drive (traffic notwithstanding)...if I'd known...
I personally LOATHE the sodding place -- too many people crowding so close that you can't get a good view of the true wonder of it all.
Oh, and the touristy shite is enough to make me want to do my head in.....
Then again, we had to visit there every time we had guests over from England when I was a kid so....yeah, familiarity does indeed breed contempt...*grin*
All that said, you managed to capture the good bits....:)
Oh what a delightful man!! I went to the Falls when I was very young. I am told my parents honeymooned there!!It is powerful and beautiful - you captured it beautifully.
Unlike you...my dear sweet husband decided to take me on a panic inducing drive to a mine on the other side of a mountain down some old, narrow, one lane, dirt, washed out, scared the crap out of Sarah, logging road. I nearly killed him!! NARROW road 2000' dropoffs ackkkkk. Lucy seemed fine with it all and the kids had a blast. Me I was a shaky wreck by the end! So glad your DH has a bit of common sense!!!
Hugs to you hon!!! Love, Sarah
I just love how spontaneous your hubby is!!!
I'm like Mel, we lived a couple hours away on the canadian side, and whenever we had relatives over from Holland they had to see the Falls. Oftentimes though, it was an adult only trip & we kids stayed with friends for the day. I have worn that yellow slicker on the Maid of the Mist though....I didn't know you could ride it from your side too.
I am so glad you had a wonderful time. Your photos are fabulous my dear. take care.
Wow. How fun that you got to go. I was there years ago and couldn't get enough of it. Your pics are beautiful. And Scotties! I didn't know about them. So sweet! A little salt and pepper pair! hugs, Barbara
I'm so happy for you Holly. What a great place and thanks for sharing your pictures. Your 'fur kids' are so cool, nice to hear they handled all in stride.
My mom visited the falls before she married my dad (and long before I was around). Someday I hope to see them and enjoy what she saw, along what you've taken in. Sounds great!
My folks went there many years ago on their honeymoon. I suspect it has all changed a bit since then... How fantastic though!
I LOVE spur of the moment trips -- all part of enjoying life and the wonders that surround us.
Thanks for sharing the pictures - love the doggies!!!
Thank you for sharing your pictures. They are so beautiful. I can't wait for the day that I get to visit the falls.
Thanks, M'Lady Holly. I needed a good smile.
Just breathtaking.
I've only been to Niagra Falls once, as a child, and I must have been a very young child because I don't remember this splendor at all.
I do so want to go again - especially now. Your photos have just made it an imperative.
Thank you so much.
PS: I apologize if anything in my post ruffled your feathers today. My Wiccan comment was intended to be completely innocent. I promise.
What a fun day! Like you, I've not been to a lot of the "Vacation Spots of America", so will visit vicariously as you post about them! Great photos & looks like the puppies had fun too!
AWE-SOME! It's been years since I saw The Falls!!!!! Your pics took me back to when I was a kid (you know, a hundred years ago :-)
So glad you and Michael made the trip. It sounds like you had a blast!
oh my lord, Niagra Falls.. something I only dream of.. the photos are amazing. I would have the same romantic notion of getting those 1930's raincoat things.. not yellow plastic.. you are right - ewww
(forget about this no reading of blogs... I reckon it's for fools.. hee, hee)
I have never been but your writing made me feel like I was there ... Your dogs are gorgeous - I would've been one of the people hassling for pictures!!
what a great hubby...and what a great trip...sometimes the "not planning" of something turns out to the best of everything.....
You just helped me relive our wonderful summer vacation. My dear hubby planned a trip to Niagara Falls for us this year and we stayed on the Canada side in a hotel overlooking the falls - they were powerful and majestic. What a sight!
Have a wonderful day.
Ah, Mizz Holly, your fella is a peach! I'm enjoying your travels.
I've photographed some lovely things, looking up and down and around the back of things - places folks forget to see - good advice, that!
Shade and Sweetwater,
That is soooo wonderful Holly!! My husband is in the Air Force Band, so he travles a lot!! This is one of the places he has been many times and I love the pictures. How wonderful it is to travel to new exciting places and to have a husband that wanted to take you there. Showers of blessings!!
Now I see what we were talking about! Thanks for sharing this Holly - I've never been and always wanted to know if this was the majestic experience that other claim it to be...
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