Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Difference Between A Hammer And A Gun

This is my hammer; I use it for a wide variety of things.  I hammer nails with it.  I use it to put up picture hangers.  I've pried nails out of surfaces with it.  I've used it to securely close paint cans.  It feels good in my hand.  My Dad taught me how to wield a hammer correctly.  You get the most out of it when grasped securely at the end of the shaft, not close to the head.  Dad said, "Don't choke the hammer, move down to the end of the wood."  It helps to get more momentum out of the arch when you know how to use the tool.  I enjoyed these lessons.  And, I'm good at it.  I've had this particular tool for a long time.

In an effort of full disclosure, I've also smashed a few fingers and put a few dents in walls when missing my intended mark.  I've left half moon impressions in wood when not hitting the intended target.  I could even mash a major hole in dry wall, but so far, I've been lucky.

This is my gun; I do not use it for a wide variety of things.  It is a Kahr 9mm.  It was made in the USA.  It is located very close to my bed.  It is loaded. Because I could continue to pull the trigger without stopping, it is considered a semi-automatic weapon. It feels good in my hand; I tried a variety of guns before I decided on this one.  My Lion taught me how to wield a gun correctly.  I've enjoyed these lessons at the range target shooting and at home.  You get the most out of it as a tool when grasped securely and with knowledge.  I was background checked before I could purchase it.  And, I have a carry permit, but it stays close by my bed.

When Michael travels and I am home alone, I have certain measures that I take to make sure I am safe.  I do not rely on those outside of myself for my safety.  I partner with them,  but I am my first line of defense.  To that end, at night I lock the doors, especially the door to the basement.  I also lock the door to my bedroom.  I put the phone in the bed ready to dial 911.

The reason I lock these interior doors is not with the illusion that it would stop an intruder; I do it to give me a precious few seconds to get myself aware and ready.  Should someone break into my home, trust me, I am ready with my tool to stop the threat.  First I dial 911 to let them know the situation and then my gun comes out.

Also trust when I state that, even as a truly spiritual and caring Human Being, make no mistake, I will use this tool if it means the difference between living or dying.  I do not view my willingness to continue living, against taking the life of one who threatens me and mine, as anything less than right, just, and correct.

This is my hammer and my gun.  They are both tools with which I am familiar and comfortable.  And, it strikes me that, with all the of the heated discussion of semi-automatic gun bans and the emotionally charged topic of guns in America, that we're missing the point.  Perhaps many points.  So I put them side by side to see if one seems more evil than another; they are the same.  They are equally inanimate objects.

As a law abiding citizen of these United States, I am blessed with a Constitution and Bill of Rights to have certain benefits.  Not the least among them is the right to be armed.  It is my right to legally own this 9mm.  I'm grateful for that right.  It means also, that should we need to ready a militia in the United States, I could be possibly called into action with my 9mm.  It's part of my responsibility as a citizen who owns a gun.  I hope I would be considered ready and able should the occasion arise.

With one of these tools I don't have to be licensed to carry or purchase it.  I could walk into any hardware store and purchase 100 of them at a time if I wanted.  If you saw 100 of them in my home, you might wonder about it, but it wouldn't set off alarm bells in your head.  If you saw my hammer laying out on a counter, it wouldn't make you nervous.  But I bet you would be a tad nervous if my gun was laying out in plain sight.

So, what exactly is the difference between a hammer and a gun?

My hand, and most particularly, my intention.  Because believe me, if I decided to pick up my hammer and bash your head in with it, you'd be no less dead than if I pick up my gun, aim center of mass, and pull the trigger.  The outcome, while perhaps different in method, would still be the same.

The other difference is how comfortable and familiar you are with these two tools.  As Humans, we are only comfortable with things with which we are familiar.  And, if you don't live around guns, they make you nervous.  So we have a tendency to want to push them as far as we can away from us to stay in our comfort zone.

A tool is simply a tool.  It's the hand, along with the head and heart, of the Human who uses it that makes the difference.  It can be used with reverence and correct intent or it can be used to cause destruction and death.

It's time to look at the hands, not the tools.  It's time for us to wonder why so many Human Beings are so willing to use tools, any sort of tools, as a means to cause death and destruction.  We all need to be part of that conversation.  Let's stop making it about the tool which, by itself, can do nothing.

Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka She Who Owns a Gun (and a hammer)


Unknown said...

As another person who owns, and is familiar with both, I am happy I stopped by to read this today.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Holly, as a lady who owns both a gun and a hammer, and knows how to use each of them to their best advantage, I again applaud you for speaking my heart. Education, not legislation - that is the answer.


LionKing said...

In my garage/workshop, I have a drawer full of hammers. I have a claw hammer, a framing hammer, a tack hammer, a rubber mallet, a ball peen hammer, a 4 pound sledge, a drywall hammer, and a roofing hammer. If asked why I need so many different hammers, it's because each one is designed to do a different job. Each one has it's own weight, balance, transfer of kinetic energy release, and yes, purpose. Please don't ask me why anyone needs this particular kind of hammer or that particular kind of hammer. When the right job needs doing, you need the right hammer. And you don't always have time to go to Sears or Lowes to get it. That is my response to yet another brilliant blogpost by the Q.

Jules said...

I don't own either currently but I, too, know how to use them both. One I lost, one I got rid of by choice. Youngsters in the house was my deciding factor.

It is true that the issue is the question about the willingness in how the tools are used but also the question of what feeds the tool and when is it enough or too much....that goes for more than just these two tools....

Awesome post!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Dear Holly,
I read your post twice last night and thought long and hard before I responded. You make a very strong and meaningful case and one that I truly wish was felt-- and completely understood by, everyone who is part of this important conversation.

With this post you have removed the "emotion" from the conversation and perfectly stated the facts which I agree with. The emotions around this subject, I think, are clouding some people's judgement and pushing the subject away from smart and reasonable dialogue and gun ownership to levels beyond sensible.

I personally do not own a gun and never would. I have also been robbed three times in my adult life which has helped shape my opinion of gun ownership.

The first time I was home when a guy came to my apartment (appearing to be the telephone installer-- I'd just moved in) looking for money to buy drugs. When I could only produce $7.00, he beat the crap out of me and then tore every inch of my apartment apart looking for more $$$. If I had a gun, he would have found it, and I have no doubt he would have killed me with it.

The other two times, thank god, I was not home, but again, if I had a gun, the robbers would have found it and taken it to do god knows what with.

My point being-- the hand that uses the gun is not always as responsible as so many gun owners are and for that reason, I believe we need education, dialogue, common sense, and improved guidelines for who owns guns and what kind of guns are available to the public for purchase.

I believe people have the right to own weapons. I just hope we can move that ownership to reasonable levels and cut back on the gigantic "Rambo-type" assault weapons with massive bullet capacity that seems to be top of so many people's "must have" list.

I also believe this would be an excellent Letter to the Editor for any major newspaper across the country as well as a letter to our elected officials.

Well done my friend, xo jj

joyce said...

I have a little pink handled hammer that can come apart with different screw driver types inside of it. Very ladylike, not like the rugged, much better to handle hammer you have (well, we do have one of those around to, but its usually hard to find. As no man would use my pink hammer, I usually know where it is.) I do not own a gun, nor could I own a gun should I so desire. Some nasty little regulation having to do with criminal records and such. But I am blessed in that I live in an area where I don't need to worry about things that go bump in the night, unless a moose slips and falls in the snow outside my window. I don't lock my doors, car or otherwise, don't even have a key for my door. For that, I am thankful.

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