If I dreamed of you in the night, when I awoke I sent a blessing. If your name comes to me during the day, I stop and send you a specific good thought. If you are dealing with a physical issue or energetic imbalance, with your permission, I have sent Reiki. Because, I think we all need this.
I haven't been awake all that long, but for some reason today, if I were to post all the names that have stopped to visit with me, the list would be quite long.
So, please know that I 'heard' you and sent a positive thought spiraling up and out with your name attached like a card on a balloon released into a clear blue sky.
All these years attempting to understand the nature of the relationship with Spirit means that now I am certain of some things but honestly, prayer isn't one of them. I can't say with a certainty that I understand what constitutes prayer. I just know that being in contact to all that is good seems like a definition.
So just so you know, I heard you and sent a 'prayer'. Or, loving experiences I've shared with you crossed my mind and I whispered, 'thank you.' Or, if you are scared and worried or dealing with a hard issue, your need has been acknowledged and supported.
Or, for any of another reason and causes...just so you know...you were thought of with positive energy and love this day.
Namaste' Till Next Time,