The man in this picture has been a key figure in my life since I was 14 years old. He means as much to me as my father. After Dad was gone, he moved without my even being aware of it, to the position of fatherly love and guidance.
He left this world last night. Quietly. Peacefully. The way a good man deserves to leave this world. Leave, with those of us who adored him left to remember him and grieve his loss.
But mostly, he is a man who we will remember every day with a smile. We will remember his gifts of sharing, caring, generosity, stern love, deep friendship, support, nurturing, and laughter. We will never have another teacher like him, but we will live our lives to make him proud of all he taught us and shared.
Albert C. Fields, I will see you again and when we meet I can't wait to feel your kiss and hug once more. I love you, Albie.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka She Who Is Grateful
My dear friend..... What a beautiful tribute to such an important person in your life. You did him proud.
Know that I am right there with you wrapping my arms around you. I am so sorry for your loss but happy that you have countless memories to hold close to your heart.
Love you, xoxox jj
So sorry for your loss. You are such a good writer. What an uplifting way to remember him. I hope you are well.
What a wonderful picture! He looks like a man I would have liked to have known. I am sad for your loss but happy that you have so many memories of such an important and loving person in your life.
Oh hon...I am so sorry for you loss!! What a beautiful thing he gave you..what beautiful words you offered up for him! I love that!
I had someone like that too..was heartbreaking when I lost her!
Hugs and love to you my dear friend, Sarah
So sorry for your loss, but what a sweet tribute.
Dearest Holly, I am so sorry for your loss, he sounds like he was a wonderful man. sending love your way and a huge hug. love you.
Very sorry to hear about that! May his soul rest in peace!
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