Let's do a happy dance. I find I am reading again! I'm able to once again sit and read for long stretches at a time. It's been awhile since I was able to do this. Sad to say. I was just not able to sit and concentrate that long on things.
I'm not sure what the change is...but I'm just glad that I can again. Maybe it's the iPad...it's so easy to sit and just read on the lighted page. I can lay in bed at night and not bother Michael's rest with a nightlight glowing over a book while I wrestle. Or, it could be that I've finally given myself a break.
I decided that I can't always read a texty sort of book...you know, one that has to do with philosophy or Reiki, or anything that requires attention and pondering. Sometimes you just have to let it be for nothing more than, "I just want to read to escape!"
I want to read a beachy book....you know, one that you don't care if it gets all smudged with sunblock, or the binding gets cracked because of the sand that's caught in it. Or one that you leave behind because it's all swollen and wrinkled from the damp, rich, glorious beach air. I want to read a book like that.
So, I found one. It's not important which one it is, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was rather predictable in lots of ways but I will admit that the author was able to throw a few curve balls in there to make me stop and admire, "Oh, that was very clever; I didn't see that one coming at all!"
That's what got me thinking...maybe it's just me, but I suspect you can do the same thing. I'm pretty good at seeing ahead in a book. I can generally sense how a plot is going to go...meaning, I'm generally not really surprised by much unless the author is really good at telling a tale with unsuspected twists.
And, because I'm good at seeing where "this is going," it occurs to me that we can all pretty much tell by how a writer tells their tale if they're leading us toward a happy ending. Can't you sense the writer's intention once you're involved in the plot? Don't you know when the writer wants the characters to have a good outcome?
Oh sure, there will be drama, and the moments when you groan, "Oh no!" Especially when you want the happy ending because you like the characters. You begin rooting for them and staying hopeful for them to get that good ending.
So, that got me to thinking...if we are the authors of our own life stories...if we truly do craft our existence once step at a time, one choice at a time...
...if what we want is the, "She/He lived happily ever after," then we have to stop worrying if it's out there because it definitely is there....even when in the moment, in the chapter, it seems that the path to it is temporarily disrupted.
Happily ever after is there but you just have to get through the next couple of chapters and see how it all turns out. The good ending is not an 'if'; it's a 'how' and 'when'. You want a happy ending? Write it into your story.
I know I am the author of my story. Even though lots of times it's easier to think I'm just a cosmic puppet with no say in the play. I know that's not true. I am the writer of my autobiography. The director of my play.
Can't you just tell by reading my writing that I want the happy ending? Sure you can. So, if you can sense that I want that, you have to know as the writer I'm going to lead myself to it. To that last final few words....when it all comes together...and you get a bit misty eyed because you really liked those characters and you're happy that your faith in the good endings has been renewed.
Yeah...I like happy endings and I like a story with twists and turns and ups and downs and moments of, "You've got to be kidding!'
So, I'm going to stop wondering if the happy ending is there. I now know without question that the Divine Author's intention for me is the "And she lived happily ever after." I can just feel it in the way the Author has lead the plot so far.
Yep, the unexpected twists are still out there. But, without having to fret about the end; with the happy ending now secured in my mind...I'm sure I'll be reacting to those twists in an entirely different manner. I'll be able to deal with them in completely new ways.
Oh, I just love it when a story comes together!

Namaste' Till Next Time,
Holly aka She Who Is Reading Once Again