It's time to get out your fun clothes and silly hats and celebrate the eve of the new year. Oh, wait, did you think that New Year's Eve is 12/31? Actually, for millennia, the eve of the new year falls on 10/31. Samhain, the most sacred of the pagan sabbats, falls on November 1. If you follow Celtic traditions, you're probably in full celebration mode.
In ancient cultures, all that could be harvested and stored was completed by October's end. The toil and hard labor of the farming year was complete; a time of much needed rest began. Anything not gathered was left in the fields to bless the earth and feed those creatures in need. Nights lengthen; the sun weakens. On this hallowed eve, the veil between the living and those who have moved on to the Summerland is the thinnest and we are able to easily recall and remember. We can communicate with them and they with us. Candles are lighted in windows to help the beloved spirits of our ancestors find their way back home to join in a meal of honor and remembrance. Often, an extra place is set for them in welcome. How wonderful!
For goddess cultures, tonight is bittersweet as well, because it pays witness to the goddess bidding farewell to her beloved and dying god who returns to the underworld. Mother Earth responds to her sorrow by slowing down and growing cold. Life hibernates. The goddess sleeps and dreams of the day in the near future when her god, who vanquishes perpetual death, returns to her and she will rejoice. The Sacred Wheel turns slowly.
I have reached the age and stage on this pass of the wheel when I am considered a crone. To have reached this 'old' age in an ancient civilization, I would be a major miracle, a tourist attraction, even! Today, not so much- thank goodness. The villagers visited their local crone for advise and answers. I don't know that I have answers, but look at what we do here. I'm sharing what I know about this sacred day, opening my door to your need, so to speak. And, you don't even have to walk through the cold night to get to me! You have to love technology. If someone ever says about you, "You old crone," thank them for the compliment! It takes character and strength to arrive at this spot in life.
So, put on something silly this evening, bright and colorful. When the doorbell rings and you open the door to all those little hungry beggars, remember they represent the spirits of visiting loved ones adrift this special night. Welcome them with sweet treats of happiness, love and remembrance. In return, they will fill you with moments of gladness as you recall Halloweens of the past.
Light a candle or your jack-o-lanterns to spread the glow of love and care. Feel the magick in the air. Be glad. Be light hearted. And, when you close the door on the very last of those visiting specters, remember that the earth rests and you should as well. The long nights beckon you to hibernate and dream. Dream your life and what you wish to see/be/have in the renewed times to come. Bright blessings on you and yours. I bid you the happiest of new years on this Samhain Eve.
Namaste' Till Next Time,
Your Loving Crone - Holly